Saturday, August 21, 2010


Salaam & hi to all.

I have promised to myself to spend this weekend to complete my Module 2. The Module 2 is all about Photo Editing. This is not something new for me. I like to edit photo. To me, by editing a photo, we give a different mood to the photo and sometimes a normal picture can be outstanding after being edited.

The three software that i frequently used to edit photo are Photoscape, Picasa and Adobe Photoshop. Using the Photoscape & Picasa is much more easier compared to the Adobe Photoshop. You really need to master some skills of the Adobe Photoshop before you can utilize it.

Here, I
would like to share one pic that i've edited with all of you. I used the Photoscape for this matter.



What do you think?

That's all for now. Need to concentrate on my Module 2.

Have a good weekend everyone! Assalamualaikum.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Preparing teaching aids...

Salaam & hola to all...

In the 5th week lecture, Pn. Foziah gave us a task which required us to design and prepare teaching aids for Year 1 to Year 6 classes. My partner, Hanani & I have been assigned to prepare some teaching aids for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students under three different topics, 'Story Time', 'Animals and Us' and 'Magical Movements'.

We've already submitted the assignment. We put all our efforts in completing that assignment. I really satisfied with my works.

Here, i would like to share a few teaching aids that have been used in my assignment.
Year 4

click the picture above to view the website

Year 5

click the second picture above to go to the website

Year 6

click the picture above to view the website

Overall, i found this task is very beneficial for me as future teachers. Apart form black board & chalk, I could use the technology which is more interactive to make sure that my lesson will be more effective.

That's all for now. See ya next time! Have a good day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Waka Waka eh eh...

Salaam & hola to all,

Hope all of you are doing fine.

In the previous lesson, we learnt on how to make tutorials for few tasks.

As an example, tutorial on how to download Shakira's Waka Waka.

All these following are the tutorial to download the song;

1st step : type in the title of the song

2nd step : Choose 1 link

3rd step : click on the download part

4th step : save the file

5th step : wait till the song is completely downloaded

6th step : find the location of the song

7th step : right hand click and choose 'Play'

8th step : Now, you can tune to the song

the video clip of the song

Till then, see ya later.