Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Completing all the 5 Modules

Salaam & hi to everyone.

The picture above has already explains everything. I'm totally occupied with the modules. 5 modules that need to be ready by the end of November. Few weeks to go.

Basically, what could i conclude about the modules is that it really helps to open up my eyes to see that there are many software and website that i never come across before. As a future teacher, i could exploit and use some of the software to be used in my teaching aids.

Ok, i guess that is all for now. I need my own sweet time to complete all the modules. Time shouldn't be wasted, peeps!



  1. we may not be too keen on the modules but the fact of the matter is its going to be immensely helpful in preparing resources for our teaching coz i'm sure we dont want to use the same old boring stuff

  2. exactly ashraf.

    we surely will use some of the software in out teaching and learning process in the classroom one day!

  3. Nowadays, the traditional method of teaching like chalk & talk is not working anymore. Teacher needs to use more interactive approaches in teaching and learning process in classroom. For example, using technology, such as software, web sites and modules.

    Therefore, these modules surely help you as teacher in order to create a better learning experience between the students. Peace !

  4. Hizami : couldnt agree more with you. Absolutely right! Some software that i've came across are really interesting to enhance my teaching and learning in classroom later
